Responsible according to § 6 Medienstaatsvertrag (MDStV):
Freie Bühne Mitte e. V.
Acker Stadt Palast
Freie Bühne Mitte e.V.
Ackerstr. 169/170
10115 Berlin
tel.: 030/4410009
Authorized representative of the board:
Stefan Wolf, Matthias Erian, Anete Wolf
Amtsgericht Charlottenburg
VR 31660 B
All contents and photos are subject to copyright and may not be copied and used in any other way without prior permission.
Links are always "living" (dynamic) references. Acker Stadt Palast has checked the external content when first creating the link, to determine whether this could lead to civil or criminal liability. However, it does not constantly check the contents to which we refer for changes that could newly establish responsibility. If Acker Stadt Palast determines or is informed by others that a concrete offer to which a link has been provided triggers civil or criminal liability, the link to this offer will be removed.