DARK WEB / experimentell-performatives Musiktheater
DARK WEB deals with human sensory perception and emotions and the lack thereof. In this piece, the audience can witness different stages of human emotions and aspirations, from emancipation of female expression in the Romantic era to futuristic utopias of reproduction - a wide range of themes are interwoven and told in a non-linear narrative. These partly autobiographical experiences are presented from the perspective of women. In addition to the duo's own works, there is music by young composers such as Tatiana Gerasimenok, Sarah Nemtsov, Beste Özçelebi, Jue Wang and as well as an arrangement of a song by Fanny Hensel. The music is combined with electronics and video as well as the human body as a musical and visual instrument.
vocals, performance Frauke Aulbert piano, performance Michiko Saiki sound direction Junyu Guo lighting design Jakob Boeckh
Supported by Fonds Darstellende Künste with funds from the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media within the framework of NEUSTART KULTUR and Ilse and Dr. Horst Rusch Foundation