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Money Laundering / Reflexion über das eigene Privileg und über das Medium des Geldes

DETOX / Qiyun Zheng / Wieland Möller /

10 September 2023, 20:30 DETOX with Qiyun Zheng (dance, performance, body)

11 September 2023, 8:30 pm DETOX with Wieland Möller (drums, performance)

DETOX addresses musically, performatively and conceptually its own entanglement and that of art in general in the global flows of capital. DETOX creates frameworks for interpersonal relationships beyond the logic of money.

We want to promote awareness of the fact that listening and making music cannot only be understood as an end in itself, but that every aesthetic experience is always also entangled in the global system, in the logic of the global market.

Since February 2023, DETOX has been carrying out a monthly "wash", be it in the form of a short video, an improset or a pop-up event in public space.

In September we cooperate with two external artists and play an improset with perfromance artist and dancer Qiyun Zheng and with drummer Wieland Möller.

By and with: Maja vK, Anton X, Qiyun Zheng, Wieland Möller

Funded by:

Qiyun Zheng is a performer between woherlds (used as intended). With a background in English-Chinese translation, copywriting and queer performance, she explores power dynamics with her practice - “the female body as a translator”.

QiQi has a background in English-Chinese Translation with a feminist translation practice, and has worked in translation and copywriting for fashion brands, female wellness collectives, creative consultancies and dance studios. With a ten years background in Chinese folk dance training and four years of experience in House|Ballroom Culture, QiQi has been active as a dancer-performer in the Shanghai underground performance scene and is now winning prizes across the Netherlands, France, Germany and the UK.

Wieland Möller is a Berlin based drummer, sound artist and performer in the fields of jazz, improvised music and contemporary dance. He studied at the Rotterdams Conservatory, Rhythmic Conservatory Copenhagen and Berklee College of Music and in New York. He has been a scholar of the Berklee College of Music; Goethe Institution Germany and GVL . Wieland is the founder of the Akvariet Trio.

He has performed at the Buenos Aires Jazz Festival, Jazz International Rotterdam Festival and among others, and has toured Germany, The Netherlands, Spain, Portugal, Argentina and Iceland.

Being a performing musician and composer, Wieland Möller has been involved in dance and theater projects and performances, among others at the Biennale Berlin 2018, Junge Deutsche Oper Berlin, Gripstheatre, Reykjavik Dance Festival and Prague Dance Festival. He has worked with Kazuhisa Uchihashi, Markus Stockhausen, Klaas Hekman, Tobias Delius, Julyen Hamilton, Ingo Reulecke, Okwui Okpokwasili and other collaborators. https://wielandmoeller.com/