COMPOST CITY / Etudes para um Neue Нормальний

Ensemble MaNN AUS OBST / Edith Steyer / Jessica Renfro / Kindred Gottlieb / Maja von Kriegstein / Maryna Makarenko / Vinicius Giusti / Wieland Möller /

Since the last public appearance of our ensemble on a traditional stage, the world has changed radically. We have become separated from each other and at the same time more aware of our global interconnections. We have been confronted with the question of the systemic relevance of culture, undergone the steep learning curves of moving in digital spaces, and withstood political conflicts between the closest of people. Much of what distinguished our world until 2019 is no more. A new war has begun in Ukraine, the home country of one of our members.

In this moment, we are faced with a desire to orient ourselves. After two years focusing on our own private body, what is the new meaning of public space today? And how do we learn to protect the Public Body, the common life, and our shared love for diversity and alive-ness? In search of an answer, we will perform a laboratory experiment on ourselves, testing out new analog and electronic improvisatory practices for the world’s ‘new normal’.

We see the old world decomposing around us, and reach for inspiration from the compost bin. Seething with critters and microbes, composting feels like an antidote to our recent obsession with sterility and cleanliness. How can we nourish spaces like this in our city, 'micro-Lieferketten’, like we do our compost bin? There is a precious beauty in decomposition even as it frightens us. Through improvisation, we take a leap of faith that love, life, and nature will prevail and re-commit ourselves to the healing power of honesty. Of now-ness.

Ensemble MaNN AUS OBST 2022:

Edith Steyer (Saxophone, Performance), Jessica Renfro (Voice, Digital Performance), Kindred Gottlieb (Performance, Lighting Design), Maja von Kriegstein (Piano, Performance), Maryna Makarenko (Film, Performance), Vinicius Giusti (Electronics, Performance), Wieland Möller (Drumset, Percussion, Performance)

Languages of the Performance: English, German, Ukrainian and Portuguese