Virgo Cluster + Evoke Compose Deploy Listen / Angelo Petracca

Angelo Petracca /

Two hybrid bodies unfold on poetic frames that choose honesty and intuition to hypothesize movement.

This double bill is a milestone in Angelo’s poetics. The two choreographies unfold on poetic frames that choose honesty and intuition as their engine with a bold perspective on a new way of creating dramaturgy. The idea is to bring onstage two hypothesis of a completed production: a worksite where the dynamics for a “product” are subverted. The never ending creative process is brought in front of the eyes of the audience and a sense of incompleteness triggers imagination.

Angelo questions himself on methodologies that facilitate the hybridization between reality and fiction, honesty and hoax, intuition and expectation. Through the use of archetypal images, the two choreographies put a strong labor in the body onstage and hint a possible new way of creating movement.

Based in Berlin, Angelo Petracca studies with B. Ogan, V. Sieni, T.Clinkard, M. DiStefano, A. Sciar- roni. He performs for D. Verga, Teatro Lirico Cagliari, Menhir/G. DeLeo, Interno5, S. Bertozzi, F. Favale, D. Antonelli, C. Guidi, The progressive wave, K. Stächele, M. Koistinen, L. Engel. He wins DNAppuntiCoreo- grafici and is selected for Vetrina AnticorpiXL and NAOcrea

Angelo Petracca participates with his works in #share, a digital video format from Acker Stadt Palast

Funded by Neustart - Bundesverband Soziokultur - Die Beauftragte der Bundesregierung für Kultur und Medien und Berliner Senatsverwaltung für Kultur und Europa.